Regardless of where combat veterans are deployed or what MOS they hold, serving in a combat zone impacts individual servicemen and women differently. Each person manages their service-related stress differently and transitions back into life after deployment at their own pace. Many who experience post traumatic stress keep their emotions and struggles bottled up inside.
Veterans owe it to themselves and their loved ones to get help for their emotional wounds. The VFW encourages all veterans—including those still serving in uniform—to share their experiences with other veterans and their families. Learn the signs that show post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might be affecting your quality of life and your loved ones. These resources will help you to receive support, find peace and live the fulfilling life you deserve. You served your nation well, now let your nation and the VFW serve and support you.
You are not alone! Visithttp://www.maketheconnection.netto hear how many veterans of all ages enjoy life while successfully managing issues related to post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury.
Suicide Prevention Information PTSD & TBI "Recognizing the Signs” Video – How to Recognize Symptoms and What to Do The VA’s Suicide Prevention campaign includes an online, one-to-one "chat service” for veterans who prefer reaching out for assistance using the Internet. Called "Veterans Chat,” the service enables veterans, their families and friends to go online to anonymously chat with a trained VA counselor.
If a "chatter” is determined to be in a crisis, the counselor can transfer the person to the VA Suicide Prevention Hotline, where further counseling and referral services can be used. To access the chat line visit Both Veterans Chat and the VA’s Suicide Prevention Hotline were established under the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which was created by the VA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the Department of Health and Human Services