Chaplain of the Year Award

Each year District Chaplains and Commanders are encouraged to solicit nominations for their most deserving post chaplains. The Chaplain selected for each District will receive a certificate of achievement and they will be submitted to the Department Chaplain for selection of the Department Chaplain of the Year award. This award winner will then be nominated for the National Chaplain of the Year Award. If a District does not solicit a nomination, a Post within that District may submit a nomination with the endorsement of the District Chaplain. 


1. Performance of Duties:

A. Exemplary character and conduct: e.g., A person of utmost integrity, professional

execution of duties, dependability, punctuality, and timely submission of reports (Chaplain report to   the National Chaplain Database), etc.

B. Exemplary performance above and beyond the normal expectations of the position and duties.

2. Personal attitude which is positive and professional in all contacts with others and which

represents the VFW and the Department in the best possible way.

3. Commitment to the ministry and duties of the Chaplain, as reflected by service to comrades and their families and responsiveness to needs.

4. A member of the VFW in good standing with the Post, District, and Department.


1. Provide a letter of nomination listing the above information that makes the chaplain a stand out deserving of recognition. The more information you can provide the better.

2. Please use bullet statements listing their achievements and contributions as opposed to only opinions. Compliments about their character and devotion are important but specific facts make your nominee a much stronger contender. Think of the military awards nominations or performance evaluations you wrote up during your military service.

3. For post chaplains nominations please try and attach a letter of endorsement from the district chaplain. Commander and chaplain endorsements from the district will enhance your nominations.

4. Nominations Procedures

A. All Nominations Shall be submitted to the State Chaplain by April 15th

  1. Minimum 1 Page, 2 Page max letter stating why the Chaplain should be the Chaplain of the year with the above criteria as the guidelines

B. The Chaplain of the Year Committee Shall make a decision by May 1st

  1. State Chaplain
  2. Past State Chaplain
  3. The most recent past recipient of the award (Except for the 2024-25 Year as this is the first year)

C. The State Chaplain Shall review the Committee's recommendation with the State Commander by May 15th.

D. The State Chaplain will notify the recipient of the award and request they attend the Annual State Convention in June to receive the award. 

State Chaplain Andrew Sockett

Department of West Virginia